a Shiny App for MaxEnt learner with Hidden Structure (Advisor: Joe Pater)

In this project, I developed an interactive Shiny application, MaxEnt with Hidden Structure in R, designed to assist linguists in generating phonological grammars (weights) using a Maximum Entropy model. The app was built based on the existing HGR model developed by Staubs (2011). HGR finds solutions for learning problems (with or without hidden structure), generate distributions over forms, and performs online learning simulations.


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Moroccan Arabic Plurals Corpus

This corpus contains 1,166 singular-plural noun pairs in Moroccan Arabic. It is derived from the Darija Open Dataset (DODa, Outchakoucht and Es-Samaali 2021). The corpus includes nouns transcribed in IPA and annotated with their corresponding plural forms, glosses, patterns (or templates), and plural type (sound or broken). Click here to access the corpus.